The simulation of human intelligence processes by machines,
particularly computer systems, which is known as artificial intelligence.
**Use case:** AI is now being applied in a variety of industries, ranging from your
smartphone to disease diagnosis, to provide a high-performance and accurate
systems that work efficiently.
- Virtual Assistant or Chatbots
- Agriculture and Farming
- Autonomous Flying
- Retail, Shopping, and Fashion
**Get started:** [Learn with Google AI](<https://ai.google/education/>)
**Definition:** Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence that is defined
as a machine's ability to recognize intelligent human behavior.
**Use case:** Machine learning is applied in many apps on our phones, including search
engines, spam filters, websites that generate personalized recommendations,
banking software that detects suspicious transactions, and speech recognition.
**Get started:** [Stanford University – Machine Learning](<https://www.coursera.org/learn/machine-learning>)
**Definition:** Natural language processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI)
concerning the ability of computers to understand the text and spoken words in
the same manner that humans can.
**Use case:** NPL is used in a variety of applications, including grammar correction software,
voice assistants, and social media monitoring tools.
**Get started:** [Stanford CS224N](<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rXD5-xhemo&list=PLoROMvodv4rOhcuXMZkNm7j3fVwBBY42z>)
Reinforcement AI
**Definition:** Reinforcement learning is a subset of AI algorithms that consists
of three major components: an environment, agents, and rewards.
**Use case:** Trading and finance, industry automation, in NLP, healthcare, engineering.
**Get started:** [Reinforcement Learning in 3 Hours | Full Course using Python](<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mut_u40Sqz4>)
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
- Augmented reality (AR)** enhances your surroundings by adding digital
elements to a live view, often using a smartphone's camera.
- **Virtual reality (VR)** is a completely immersive experience that simulates a
real-life environment.
**Use case:
- Augmented reality (AR):** Medical training is now using augmented reality.
Its applications range from MRI to performing extremely delicate surgery.
- **Virtual reality (VR):** entertainment (particularly video games),
education (such as medical or military training) and business
(such as virtual meetings).
**Get started:
- Augmented reality (AR):** [FreeCodeCamp](<https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/augmented-reality-full-course/>)
**** - **Virtual reality (VR):** [Coursera](<https://www.coursera.org/specializations/virtual-reality>)
**Definition:** Cybersecurity is the practice of safeguarding critical systems and
sensitive data against digital attacks.
**Use case:** [EVERYWHERE](<https://digitalguardian.com/blog/what-cyber-security#:~:text=Cyber%20security%20is%20important%20because,on%20computers%20and%20other%20devices.)>
**Get started:** [Bootcamp](<https://www.ironhack.com/en/cybersecurity>)
**Definition:** Blockchain is a method of storing data that makes it difficult
or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system.
**Use case:** Blockchain-based contracts are becoming increasingly popular as sectors
such as government, healthcare, and real estate realize the benefits.
**Get started:** [Blockchain Full Course](<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCvL-DWcojc>)
Internet of Things (IoT)
**Definition:** The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects—"things"
embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for connecting and exchanging
data with other devices and systems via the internet.
**Use case:** IoT is most prevalent in manufacturing, transportation,
and utility organizations.
**Get started:** [IBM Blog](<https://developer.ibm.com/learningpaths/iot-getting-started-iot-development/>)
Big Data
**Definition:** Big data is defined as data with greater variety, arriving in greater
volumes and with greater velocity.
**Use case:** It is now used in a variety of fields, including medicine, agriculture,
gambling, and environmental protection.
**Get started:** [Big Data Full Course 2022](<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCEPoPJ8sWw>)
Cloud Computing
**Definition:** It refers to a global network of servers, each with a distinct function.
The cloud is not a physical entity, but rather a vast network of remote servers located
all over the world that are linked together and intended to function as a single
**Use case:** The internet as we know it today.
**Get started:** My primary source will be my preferred cloud provider.
**- [Microsoft Azure](<https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/>)**
AWS and GCP are also viable options.
**Definition:** FaaS, or Function as a Service, is a type of cloud computing service
that enables developers to build, compute, run, and manage application packages
as functions without having to maintain their own infrastructure.
**Services:** Microsoft Azure Function, AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions.
**Use case: -** Reminders and notifications.
**-** Scheduled tasks and messages.
- File processing.
- Data or data stream processing.
- Running background backup tasks.
- Computing backend calculations.
- Lightweight Web APIs and Proof of Concepts, MVPs.
**[Getting started with Azure Functions](<https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-get-started?pivots=programming-language-csharp>)**
**Definition:** Software as a service (SaaS) is a software distribution model
in which a cloud provider hosts applications and makes them available to
end-users over the internet.
**Use case:** Zoom, the online Office, your mailbox, BigCommerce.
Google Workspace, Salesforce..
**Get started:** Learn about a cloud Provider